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Back to School Vision Boards

in Inspiration

This is the time of year when everyone is running around buying school supplies and bracing themselves for summer to end and school to start.   This is the perfect time to make a vision board!  It’s one of my favorite things to do.

A vision board is a collage of pictures or phrases that represent what you want in your life.   It’s like a road map of where you’re heading.   The purpose is to hang your “visions” where you will see it often and it will remind you about your roadmap or your intentions.    It helps to align your intentions with your attention.  And it’s just fun and beautiful!  I love vision boards! 

The key to making a really powerful vision board is to put images, pictures and words on it that make you FEEL happy, hopeful, excited, empowered, joyful, grateful, relaxed, cared for, etc…  If you focus on the way you want to feel rather than just the material object, it’s much more powerful. 

Maybe you want less stress or to exercise more, a dream vacation, a new car or to run a 10K.  Anything you want to do, who you want to become, where you want to go… Put your thoughts, hopes, and desires on a board! 

Focus on how you’ll feel when you take that dream vacation.  My amazing friend and Master Coach Jessica Riesenbeck once told a story about how she wanted to take a dream trip to Hawaii.  She said she knew her son would want to go surfing and so she choose pictures that made her feel overwhelming joy and happiness as if she were sitting on the beach watching her son surfing.  That’s the kind of energy that you want to put into your board.

I made my last vision board in January 2014 when I hosted a vision board party.  It was such a blast to sit around with friends and share our wishes, hopes and dreams and see them come together on a board.   

A few of the things I put on my board (pictured above) were a beach house and Brené Brown.  I chose the beach house because the beach is one of my favorite places and it makes me feel relaxed, peaceful and centered.  I chose Brené Brown because I love her work and she has changed my life.  When I see pictures of her, I’m reminded that I’m good enough. 

Within 3 weeks of making my board, I got an opportunity to buy a beach place!!!  The thought of actually owning a beach place never occurred to me.  I just put the picture on the board because I loved the image and it made me feel so happy!  Well I’m happy to report that I’m writing this while I’m sitting in my very own beach house!  YAY!!!! 

Within 5 months of making my board, I also had the incredible honor to meet Brené Brown in person.  I wrote a blog about crying in her face…check it out…it wasn’t pretty or graceful but it was a dream come true.  So in less than 6 months I bought a beach house and met my idol!  Not too shabby!

You can have amazing results too.  Make a family night out of it or make a girls night! 

Back to school can be a fun and exciting time for some, but it can also be a stressful time for others.  Vision boards would be great for kids starting a new grade or even a new school.  This can help them focus on what they want to feel like in their new classroom or school rather than focusing on all the things they are nervous about.

To make a vision board all you need is the following:

  • Poster board
  • Glue stick or tape
  • Scissors
  • Magazines, pictures or other images

Good luck and have lots of fun!  I look forward to seeing your creations and hearing your amazing stories! 


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